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Holding Hands


Home Energy Report

At enable, our mission is to make Britain's homes greener, more energy efficient and cheaper to run.


Our Home Energy Report is designed to answer the questions you're really interested in, and give you a plan to make a real difference to the environment, and your back pocket.  

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Two Reports, 
One Goal
enabling greener homes

Comprehensive energy advice

advice from £149

tailored for action

10 detailed pages, 6 key questions

Each Home Energy Report is tailored to your needs, not just the property. 


Are you a landlord looking to achieve an EPC rating of C or above, but don't want to disturb your tenants? Or do you want your property to be as green as possible, with the smallest possible carbon footprint? Or are you most interested in the cost benefits of making your property greener? 


We're also finding that many mortgage lenders are now offering improved rates for properties with green credentials. With interest rates on the rise, improving the efficiency of your home could pay off more quickly than you think. 


When arranging your Home Energy Report, we will ask you to choose one of the options below. We'll then assess the property against that backdrop, and give you our recommendations for achieving your goal. 

with no intrusions


to reduce bills

Businessman typing on laptop
building construction and insulation

maximising efficiency

Before we do anything else, we'll need to look at how much of the energy your property produces is kept inside the home. 


Britain's homes are notoriously some of the worst insulated in Europe, which means it takes more energy to keep them warm. Just adding or enhancing your loft insulation could save you hundreds of pounds each year, and reduce your carbon footprint by around 55kg. 


And half of Britain's houses have walls that aren't insulated. Adding insulation to a cavity wall could save almost £300 in a medium-sized house. 


making sure your property can breathe

While it's important to make sure your property is better insulated to retain more heat, it's just as important to make sure it can breathe


Balancing improved insulation with better ventilation is a delicate job, which is often overlooked in more basic reports, and isn't included in an EPC at all. Enhanced insulation without considering ventilation just leads issues with damp and mould


We'll look at whether your property has the right sort of air bricks and door undercuts in place, and let you know what improvements will need to be made to make enable air to flow effectively. 


greener and more effective

Once you've considered insulation and ventilation, the next most impactful changes you can make to your carbon footprint and costs are usually related to how you keep your property warm in winter. 


With fuel bills rising and rising, we'll take a close look at whether you have the most efficient boiler in place, and whether there are any other greener or more radical options you could consider. 


Technology is improving all the time, and becoming more and more cost-effective, and we might even be able to let you know about government grants that you can access to help fund some of the more expensive work.  

light and power

keeping the lights on, but cheaper

These days we're all pretty conscious of turning off the lights when we leave a room, but there are more permanent ways you can reduce your electricity usage, costs and carbon footprint


The Home Energy Report will look at whether you're using the most energy efficient bulbs and appliances, and look at what else you could do to source or generate power in a greener way. 


Installing Photovoltaic Cells alongside an appropriate battery unit, for example, could be a great way to produce your own electricity, especially if you drive an Electric Vehicle. The initial costs may also be supported by government grants, which we'll also help you to identify and access. 

ongoing support

helping to make things happen

The last thing any of us want is for your Home Energy Report to end up sitting in a drawer gathering dust. The report is designed to help you to make a plan, and we're keen to help you to deliver it


Once you've received your report, we'll pick up with you to answer any questions, and agree the next steps. We might be able to get you access to grants to help pay for the work you choose to do, and we'll do whatever we can to point you in the direction of improved mortgage rates for greener properties

Arrange your report

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